Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials
"I have suffered with chronic pain and migraines for years and have tried numerous different treatments and medications with limited success. I can honestly say that I am blown away by the difference that Andrée has made in my pain levels in one month. If you are struggling with chronic pain and are looking for something different, I would highly encourage you to visit Achieve Balance Holistic Health for some Bowen Therapy treatments. It has been a game changer for me! Thank you so much, Andrée!"
Erin MacDonald, 26 January 2017, Nanaimo BC
"Bowen really worked for me. I am a golfer and for many years pain in my right shoulder and pain in several locations in my back made playing the game a very painful experience. My handicap soared! Golf was not fun! I heard about Bowen through a friend and booked an appointment with Andrée to see what it was all about. Coincidentally on the morning of my first appointment I awoke with even worse pain in my right shoulder --- I had virtually no use of the arm.
That afternoon I met Andrée and after reviewing my medical history and chatting about Bowen she gave me a body balancing procedure. The next morning I awoke and discovered that I had no pain! Amazing!!! My shoulder felt great. My back felt great. No aches and no pains!!!! I was astounded. Five days after that treatment I still felt no pain and I had my best round in a couple of years! Thanks to Bowen, golf and life in general is much better and more fun. Cheers to Bowen."
Ken, 13 July 2016, Kingston, ON
"I am absolutely AMAZED with what Andrée did with me in three appointments! I have had chronic upper back, neck and shoulder tightness and knots for years and I cannot believe the difference her treatments have made. Thank you Andrée!"
Lynn Clyde, 20 April 2015, Kingston ON
"Bowen Saved My Life! If you have any autoimmune issues, give Bowen therapy a chance ... your body is begging for it! I was ready to feel better, ‘one needs to want to get better’. Immediately, after my first treatment I received results and felt new energy after being bedridden with Fibromyalgia for 1.5 years. Yes, it’s true. Bowen treatments turned my life around. When walking, I knew I was upright but inside I felt like my body was at a 45 degree angle – my nervous system was off kilter for sure. Within months, I was free of pain which I had mostly in my shoulders and feet. Pain in certain trigger points left as well … amazing!
After keeping up with Bowen, I could actually feel my body was truly balanced for the first time in years. Family and friends have noticed such a positive attitude in me, as well as clarity of mind; I am renewed. The benefits of Bowen are waiting for you … just don’t invest in RRSPs and gold … INVEST IN YOU THROUGH BOWEN; allow Bowen and trust in the energy of Andrée’s touch … all the benefits await you! Sincerely with gratefulness."
Gaylan Fitsell, 20 November 2013, Kingston ON
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